Class 3 from 16 years

These courses will help you to complete the basic techniques, and provide the foundation for further development in specific directions. The carving and the short- swing is deepened and applied to more difficult slopes. In addition, first rides are also next to the slopes and jumps are on the program.

  • Prerequisite: parallel turns , edge skiing, coarse form of short turns , red runs
  • Age: from 16 years to adults (please select age at the next booking step !)
  • Goal Level 3a : short turns, jumps, Carvschwung, high- and low- relieving, carving on red runs. Terrain: blue and red runs. Terrain: blue and red runs.
  • Goal Level 3b: Carving in steeper terrain, safe and controlled piste jumps, safe Fakie rides, Introduction 180 °. Terrain: blue and red runs.
  • Goal Level 3c: mastery of all of the above. Terrain: red and black slopes. Terrain: red and black slopes.

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